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  7. Audison APK 165 Ω2 Prima Series 6.5 2 Way Component Speaker Set :B0BXLJRLC4:World Importer

人気No.1Audison APK 165 Ω2 Prima Series 6.5 2 Way Component Speaker Set :B0BXLJRLC4:World Importer2024人気急上昇

【在庫あり】Audison APK 165 Ω2 Prima Series 6.5 2 Way Component Speaker Set :B0BXLJRLC4:World Importer100%本物保証!


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品質が保証!Audison APK 165 Ω2 Prima Series 6.5 2 Way Component Speaker Set :B0BXLJRLC4:World Importer新品入荷しました1

説明: APK 165 Ohm2 - KIT 2Way AP 1+AP 6.5 Ohm2+Grilles APK 165 Ω2 system features 2 crossovers dedicated to woofer and tweeter and separated, to ease the installation. APCX WF Ω2 crossover shapes AP 6.5 Ω2’s frequency response to match it optimally with AP 1 tweeter; it also employs a Low ESR inductor, essential to maximize the power transfer to the 2Ω coil. APCX TW Ω2 tweeter crossover, instead, is provided with the Hi-Contour function, to enhance the high frequencies, designed to achieve the correct timbre balance with rich low frequencies guaranteed by the woofer. Features - 2Ω impedance, to fully exploit the 65 W power per channel at 2Ω of the AP8.9 bit amplifier. 75 Hz resonance frequency, to extend the frequency range down to low frequencies up to 50 Hz and increase the SPL in the low range. 25 mm mobile voice coil to maximize efficiency achieving 95 dB. 10 mm winding height mobile voice coil to increase maximum linear excursion up to 2,8 mm and minimize distortion, even at high listening levels. APCX WF Ω2, dedicated woofer crossover with low-loss voice coils to shape the frequency response for optimal match with the tweeter. APCX TW Ω2, tweeter crossover featuring the Hi-Contour function to enhance high frequencies, designed to achieve the correct timbre balance with rich low frequencies guaranteed by the woofer. AP 1 tweeter with acoustic lens designed to balance the frequency response in the 10kHz - 13kHz range, to optimize the product’s acoustic emission in the critical OEM placements, where the product performance is affected by the presence of the factory grille. Connection cable built in the passive crossover and ending with “OEM Integration compliant” fast-on connectors. The ends, different in each of the two poles, eliminate any possible connection errors, speeding up the installation process and making it safe in the course of time.
カテゴリー: スピーカー
ブランド: Generic
高さ: 1.1 センチ
幅: 1.0 センチ
奥行: 1.3 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg


